Sustainable programs for a greener planet

Rockcliffe University Consortium brings educators and innovators together providing opportunities for research to reach its maximum potential in the field. We invest in programs that change not just the planet, but the way society views economic potential and what can be when people are given the freedom to think differently.

Opportunities to Think Different

“Global warming, along with the cutting and burning of forests and other critical habitats, is causing the loss of living species at a level comparable to the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. That event was believed to have been caused by a giant asteroid. This time it is not an asteroid colliding with the Earth and wreaking havoc: it is us.” ― Al Gore, An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It

Projects We Are Invested In

Carbon offsets are used to fund a variety of projects including the following gold standard projects that we have found of value and that meet our criteria of carbon reduction, economic stimulation, use of new practical innovations, and societal change.

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Purchase Carbon Credits

To purchase carbon credits simple follow the link above.

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